Charla "Diagnosing Gradual Type Errors"
Ronald García (University of British Columbia)

Gradually typed languages allow programmers to incrementally adopt a static typing discipline during development, without having to change programming languages.  One key aspect of this transition is that type violations may lead to errors at runtime rather than type-checking time.  This has led to a long-running investigation of how to help programmers narrow down and identify the potential causes of these errors, which may be arbitrarily far from the code being executed at the time of failure.

This talk will discuss our efforts to develop and evaluate a general approach for narrowing down the potential sources of gradual type errors using dynamic slicing, in a manner that provides formal guarantees and that can be applied to any gradual type discipline designed using the Abstracting Gradual Typing approach.

Ronald Garcia is an associate professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. His research investigates how fundamental concepts in the theory, implementation, and practice of programming languages can improve the software development process.His research has focused on static and dynamic type-based reasoning, metaprogramming, and generic programming.

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Auditorio Ramón Picarte
Facultad de Cs. Físicas y Matemáticas
Universidad de Chile

Beauchef 851, edificio norte, 3er piso

Fecha del evento
17 de Diciembre de 2024
15:00 - 16:00

Laboratorio PLEIAD