Poppy (
www.poppy-project.org) is a robotics platform made for researchers, educators and makers who want to develops robots which are easy to build, use and hack. Originally built to study the impact of the body on sensorimotor development and cognition to make it possible to really consider the body as an experimental variable. It has evolved into an open platform for interdisciplinary invention, building and programming of robots, used in science, art and education. “Poppy Education” project is a branch of the original project, motivated by the community interest in using the platform as an education tool. It aims to use robots as tangible objects to ease comprehension and motivation for learning digital sciences.
Théo Segonds is an electronic engineer from ENSEA (Ecole National Superieure de l’Electronique et de ses Applications), and a Research MSc In robotics and Artificial Intelligence from Cergy Pontoise University. He is currently a research and development engineer at Inria Bordeaux inside the FLOWERS team, where he works in the “Poppy Education” project where he handles the software and hardware development for the Poppy robotics platform.