Charla “Process stories - Capturing, Representing and Analysing Process Context and Flexibility”

Charlista: Pedro Antunes, Associate Professor, Victoria University of Wellington

PEDRO ANTUNES is Associate Professor at Victoria University of Wellington, School of Information Management. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Technical University of Lisbon and Habilitation in Informatics Engineering from the University of Lisbon. Pedro’s research is mainly focused on human/organizational facets of decision support and business process management systems. Pedro has published articles in ACM Computing Surveys, Behavior and Information Technology, Information Systems Frontiers, IEEE Pervasive Computing, IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Journal of Systems and Software, Expert Systems With Applications, Group Decision and Negotiation, and other journals. Pedro is currently Associate Editor at IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. 


In this talk we discuss two fundamental dimensions of business process management (BPM): context and flexibility.  We note that for a long time researchers have been suggesting the need to increase flexibility in process management, giving more latitude to humans to make decisions beyond strict system control, and also the need to accomodate  external factors affecting process management. However, solutions that simultaneously address these two dimensions are still lacking.   Based on this identified gap, we first propose a model for representing process context and flexibility as process stories, and then develop a method for capturing and analysing process stories.  The approach adopts organisational storytelling and visual narrative as kernel theories.  We discuss the iterative development and formative evaluation of the proposed approach, and then culminate with  a summative evaluation of the method performance. 

Auditorio Ramón Picarte
Facultad de Cs. Físicas y Matemáticas
Universidad de Chile

Beauchef 851, edificio norte, 3er piso

Fecha del evento
29 de Noviembre de 2017
12:00 - 13:00

Prof. José A. Pino