Charla: Dynamically Composing Collection Operations through Collection Promises/ Charlista: Juan Pablo Sandoval

Abstract: Filtering, mapping and iterating collections are frequent operations. It is known that composing a number of these operations may create intermediate collections causing an additional and unnecessary overhead. To reduce the number of intermediate collections it is often necessary to rewrite the source code and combine the operations.  However, for some cases such reduction becomes aplicable only after a source code refactoring (i.e. when the collection operations are in different methods) which could introduce code duplication. Recently, we proposed "Collection Promises" to dynamically compose collection operations in order to reduce the number of unnecessary intermediate collections. Collection Promises delay a number of collection operations and then merge them using composition rules. In this talk, we will introduce the notion of "Collection Promises" and  describe how "Collection Promises" may help developer to automatically reduce the overhead associated with intermediate collections.


Juan Pablo received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Chile, in 2016. Juan Pablo also was a research fellow at University of Stuttgart, Germany.  Afterwards, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Lam Research, California.  Since August 2017, he is part-time professor at "Universidad Mayor de San Simon" and leads a research group at TRUEXTEND (a bolivian company). Juan Pablo co-authored numerous articles, published in international and peer reviewed scientific forums; he also founded SemanTICs S.R.L, a company that offer specific tools for software development.

Sala Grace Hopper
Universidad de Chile

Beauchef 851, edificio poniente, 3er piso

Fecha del evento
12 de Enero de 2018
11:00 - 12:00

Alexandre Bergel