Charla de Tesis II Magíster en Ciencias mención Computación Alumno : Omar Miranda Paredes

Prof. Guía: Bárbara Poblete
Fecha        : Jueves 25 de Enero   - 16:00 horas
Lugar        : P306 - Sala de Reuniones Ada Lovelace, tercer piso lado poniente del edificio.

Título de la Tesis: "Detection and Extraction of Recommendations on Social Media".


Social media has transformed the way to interact with the world. For instance, we tend to go on our social bubble and ask for recommendations about "a good series on Netflix", instead of trusting what a specialized platform or algorithm recommend to us.
In this work, we explore how recommendations are present on Twitter, a proposed taxonomy of them, the development of a classifier for their extraction and how can we use them to predict the Box Office of a movie.

Fecha del evento
25 de Enero de 2018
16:00 - 16:30
